Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Beneath the Track (From William Golding's Lord of the Flies)

Creepers and trunks broken, smashed
Witch-like cry; echoed echoed echoed

Thick - was heat - was sand
A pink platform of granite
Uncompromisingly raised four feet jetty

Smiling proudly
Delightedly again, laughed
Like a bomb let him be chief

Darkness of the forest
Still lagoon, blue, green, purple

Cut a pig's throat
Stick a pig
Choose a place
Too late

Wacco blue flowers
Wizard coral reef
Smashing boat shaped island

Belongs to us.

Friday, March 4, 2011

I'd Never Been One for Talking

My body went stiff

My hands went numb

My brain went dead

My voice, was gone

A conversation

That was all I sought

I wracked my brain

But no ideas came

I wanted to talk

I just didn’t know how

I wanted some friends

But they ignored me now

I was so quiet

They’d forgot I was there

Not one peep

Came out of my mouth

I was alone

Alone in this world

invisible to all.